Module templates

Because you may want to standardize some of your components, you can set templates in config file. Under templates key, create a new one with your attributes, then call it with the key from:

attrs['from'] => 'template key'

Paths to config files

Classes Config
Html::{module} bootstrap/html_{module}.php
Form::{module} bootstrap/form_{module}.php

Simple Example with a button:

// in config 'bootstrap/html_button.php':
'templates' => array(
	'example' => array(
		'status' => 'primary',
		'icon'	 => 'thumbs-up',
		'size'	 => 'large',
		'title'	 => 'Some Title',
		'class'	 => 'button-submit'
Html::button('', 'Submit', array('from' => 'example'))