Modules attributes

A part of this package is to allow non html related attributes, which indicate how bootstrap elements should be rendered.
For example, the Html_Button is like a Html::anchor with extra attributes, like status, size.

Those attributes are registered in module's config files, with expected values, under the attributes key. All of those registered attributes are cleaned before rendering the html, and css classes are merged with bootstrap generated ones.

String attributes

Attributes are provided throught an array like ['id' => 'myelement', 'status' => 'primary', ..etc], but the package, throught config files, allow you to specify a default attribute, which be used as key if the $attribute parameter is a string.

Simple example with a button, third param is a classic array:
Html::button('#', 'My button', array('status' => 'inverse'))
My button
If you take a look at the default html_button config file, the attribute key is set to status, which means third param string will be interpreted as status:
Html::button('#', 'My button', 'inverse')

My button

Youn can set any attribute you want, including classic HTML attribute.

Only valid attributes are accepted

If you provide a "bootstrap" attribute, make sure the string is a registered value in you config file:

Html::button('#', 'My button', array('status' => 'unknown'))

Throw an InvalidArgumentException

Those values are based on Twitter Bootstrap defaults, fell free to add your own, but take a look in modules to learn how markups are generated from them.