Breadcrumb See documentation

Basic example of breadcrumb. Do not provide a link on last item in order to setup as active:
$bc = Html::breadcrumb();
$bc->item('#', 'home');
$bc->item('#', 'all');
echo $bc;
You can manually setup a different divider for your items. Html is allowed here:
 $bc = Html::breadcrumb('>')

Each item is an object, wich accepts 4 parameters: url , title , attributes and secure link

Third parameter string generates an icon markup, array accepts icon and active keys:
$bc->item('#', 'home', array('icon' => 'home'), true)
$bc->item('#', 'all', array('icon' => 'inbox'))
Breadcrumb item() method is not chainable, to allow you to attach things on each item:
$bc->item('#', 'home', 'home')->tooltip('back to home')
$bc->item('#', 'all', 'inbox')->popover('title', 'content', array('placement' => 'top'));