Form Checkboxes & Radios

Radio and Checkbox modules allow you to simply wrap them into a label, and provide some extra methods

Wrap a checkbox into a label.
The label()method accepts html attributes as second arg. If the input attrs contains an id key, the for label attribute will be set
Form::checkbox('name', '', null, array('label' => 'My fist checkbox'))
// or
Form::checkbox('name', '', null, array('id' => 'first'))->label("Checkbox")
Provide the inline key or method to display multiples radios / checkboxes. The inline method /arg act as label:
Form::radio('name', true, array('inline' => 'First radio'))
Form::radio('name')->inline('Second radio')
The checked() method:
Form::radio('name')->label('Radio 2')->checked();
The disabled state accepts boolean. The muted css class is added by default:
Form::checkbox('name', '', true)->label('Checkbox 2')->disabled();