Modals See documentation

Create a basic modal by setting each parts of it: header, body, footer. A third parameter will represents html attributes:
$modal = Html::modal()
	->set('header', 'Modal title')
	->set('body', 'This is a modal body')
	->set('footer', 'This is a footer', array('id' => 'footer'))

Html::modal() accepts several attribues: true, false activates or not fading effect. You can specify an array configuration: hide, fade, close:
Html::modal(array('close' => true, 'fade' => 'true'))
Each content part can be set throught a closure:
$modal->set('header', function(){ // standard
	return html_tag('h3', array(), 'Hello World');
$modal->set('body', function(&$body){ // or by reference
	$body .= html_tag('p', array(), 'Put a bird on it master cleanse...')
Finally, uses submit() and dismiss() methods shortcuts to add buttons into the footer. each methods accepts similar args than Button module:
$modal->dismiss('#', 'Cancel');
$modal->submit('#', 'Save changes', array('icon' => 'cog', 'status' => 'primary'));