Nav: Lists See documentation

Creates a default navigation list:
$list = Html::navlist()
$list->item('#', 'One')
$list->item('#', 'Two')
echo $list;
Add a header an a divider into the list:
$list->header('Common tasks');
$list->item('#', 'One');
$list->item('#', 'Two');
Activate an item:
$list->item('#', 'One')->active() // or
$list->item('#', 'One', array('active' => true))
Disable an item:
$list->item('#', 'One')->disabled() // or
$list->item('#', 'One', array('disabled' => true))
Setup icon for items:
$list->item('#', 'One', array('icon' => 'user'));
$list->item('#', 'Two', array('icon' => 'fire'));

Nested lists

There is no deepness limitations while nesting list. Take note that lists are not aware to be nested, so there is no specific css markup generated.
Use decendent selectors to apply style to your lists.

Nest an existing navlist instance whithin an item. The list will be appened after the list anchor:
$list1 = Html::navlist();
$list1->item('#', 'One');
$list1->item('#', 'Two');

$list2 = Html::navlist();
$list2->item('#', 'Sub one');
$list2->item('#', 'Sub two', array('active' => true))->nest($list);

Nest an existing navlist instance whithin the navlist. It will creates a new entry, containing the nested list:
The nest() method returns the nested list. If you nest don't nest an instance of Navlist, it will creates a new instance:
 $nested = $list2->nest(array('class' => 'sub-nav'))
 $nested->item('#', 'nested')